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The ITEC programme offers fully-funded in-person (or on-campus) ITEC courses at eminent training facilities and higher educational institutes spread throughout India.

Each year, MEA offers a calendar of ITEC Courses on various training themes related to public administration, industry, agriculture, management and entrepreneurship, power/renewable, development studies (rural, urban, sustainable), banking/finance/audit/trade, English language training and law/justice/police administration. These courses are of varying duration, ranging from a few months to 1 year, and provide an engaging training opportunity to get exposed to the latest developmental solutions and flagship schemes implemented in India.

Apart from covering the course fees and accommodation expenses, the ITEC scheme also provides one set of excursion/economy class air fare, gratis visa, a living allowance, book allowances, and medical facility. As part of the training, the ITEC scheme also includes an educational-cum-sightseeing study tour as an integral part. The study tour serves to familiarize the participants with Indian culture and history.

Interested government officials can apply here for these trainings.