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ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation



Like any other organization, in the case of democratic institutions too, officers and staff working in the Legislative Bodies require training and exposure to acquaint themselves with the latest developments, so that they can assist elected representatives to perform their manifold roles efficaciously. Parliamentarians of today have varied functions to perform, apart from their conventional representational role, more so in the context of the Parliament itself evolving as a multi-functional institution. Parliamentarians have to be well-versed with issues like the primacy of Parliament in a democratic polity, procedural mechanisms available to them to raise matters on the floor of the House, practices and procedures of the Parliamentary Committees, privileges of members and the House, parliamentary conventions, traditions and etiquette, etc., if they have to emerge as effective representatives. They also have to be thoroughly familiar with the importance of bicameralism, the legislative and budgetary processes, Legislature-Executive relations and the relationship among the Organs of State. Besides, they have to have a sound understanding of the functional dynamics of parliamentary institutions, how to secure Executive accountability to the Legislature in all its manifestations and the pulls and pressures of democratic politics. All these call for continuous efforts to facilitate capacity building among members of Parliament, besides parliamentary staff. This becomes all the more important in an increasingly information-driven world order wherein the utmost emphasis has to be laid on the development of informed parliamentarians, and parliamentary officials who can adequately support them. Since effective and efficient working of Parliaments calls for constant upgrading of the skills of the parliamentary staff in particular, there is a need for their extensive as well as intensive training. Such measures will assist Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff to maintain the highest standards of professional excellence. It has also to be appreciated that there are various stakeholders who make a parliamentary democracy work successfully. Besides parliamentarians and parliamentary staff, these stakeholders include the media, the Civil Service, the academic community, including students, and the citizens at large. In the course of its evolution, parliamentary democracy has evolved several highly specialized procedures and processes, of which legislators, policy-makers, administrators and others should have a good knowledge. And it is only the institution of Parliament, which can impart such knowledge to all stakeholders of democracy. Thus, the onerous task of conducting relevant studies and enabling the required orientation and training of the stakeholders primarily falls on the Parliament itself.


ITEC Coordinator Details:

NameEmail IdContact Detail
Shri Prasenjit Singhprasenjit[DOT]singh[AT]sansad[DOT]nic[DOT]in 9408790013 / 011-23034134

Courses available for Training Year : 2019-2020
You can browse the available courses on clicking the links below:

S.No. Name of Courses From To Open for Paricipants From Participant Profile SynopsisApply NowCourse Type
135TH INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMME IN LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING15-Jan-202014-Feb-2020"Participant should be well-versed in English-written and spoken; of sound health. Must be a Law Graduate and must be a senior parliamentary/Govt. official"Provides a series of talks and discussion sessions with experts on various aspects of legislative drafting, practical drafting exercising sessions, attachment with the Legislative Department, Govt. of India, for practical training and attachments to relevant Institutions in Delhi as well as with one of the State Legislative Assembly.
235TH PARLIAMENTARY INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME FOR FOREIGN PARLIAMENTARY OFFICIALS02-Sep-201901-Oct-2019Participant should be well-versed in English-written and spoken; of sound health; must be senior parliamentary officialProvides opportunities for intensive study and practical training/orientation in parliamentary processes and procedures, with particular reference to the practices in the Parliament and State Legislatures in India, attachments to relevant Institutions in Delhi as well as with one of the State Legislative Assembly.
3TRAINING PROGRAMME IN PARLIAMENTARY PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES FOR OFFICIALS OF PARLIAMENT OF CAMBODIA15-Jul-201919-Jul-2019Officials of Parliament of CambodiaProvides knowledge on role and status of Indian Parliament in Polity, salient features of Indian Constitution, Parliamentary Questions and Procedural Devices to raise matter of Urgent Public Importance on the floor of the House, Legislative and Budgetary Processes in Indian Parliament, Committee System in Indian Parliament, Functioning of Financial Committees, Parliamentary Privileges, role and status of Rajya Sabha-Second Chamber and how to be effective Parliamentary Officials

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